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Traditional Selbuvotter Mitten Course

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

Knitting Traditional Selbuvotter mittens is one of my passions!

During my time living in the Selbu area of Trøndelag, Norway, I have learnt and perfected the technique of knitting these traditional mittens from local Norwegian knitters and friends. I have thoroughly researched their origin and history.

I also raise the rare, heritage breed of sheep – Grå Trøndersau – from which the yarn for the first ever pair of Selbu mittens and the iconic Selbu star were knitted.

I have restored the old “tremaler” or blockers - which now hang within the Selbu Bygdemuseum, into my Selbu Mitten and Sock Blocker design, for use by modern knitters. These outdated knitting accessories were once used to standardize Selbu mittens for sale and export from the village of Selbu.

I am an experienced teacher and taught elementary school for over 30 years. I look forward to sharing my knowledge and passion for the knitting of these mittens from the region of Norway in which I live.

Together we will learn about and break down the process of knitting these mittens, and practice each technique in depth. I will facilitate the instruction and offer support throughout the course. In turn, you will be able to ask questions, share your feedback and your progress along the way.

At the end of this course we will celebrate each pair of knitted mittens on the Norwegian Mitten Day, October 14th, with an online parade!

Please see the course outline, additional information and agreements below.

Participation and Registration:

Course Fee:

$6 US dollars for each course video + 1 free bonus finishing course = $36 US per person for seven sessions over a six-week period.


(55 NOK for each course video + 1 free bonus finishing course = 330 NOK + 85 NOK MVA = 415 NOK per person for seven sessions over a six-week period.)

Course Agreements:

Registration to the Traditional Selbu Mitten course is binding. This course is not refundable after purchase.

This is a course for beginner or intermediate level mitten knitters. I will assume that you have some knowledge and experience in knitting and have tried stranded knitting with two colours, prior to this course.

Also, the instruction will be given from the point of view of holding your yarn in both hands, English style, throwing.

You will have full access to the course video content at your leisure by simply logging in to my online classroom.

Video Course and Course Materials will be available for your viewing every Saturday on the following dates to participate in at your leisure. The videos will vary in length based on the course content for that week. The video content will always be available for you to watch over and over again as needed, once you purchase the course. To gain the most out of the course material, it is recommended that you participate actively.

Course Dates:

Week 1 - Saturday - September 5th

Week 2 - Saturday - September 12th

Week 3 - Saturday - September 19th

Week 4 - Saturday - September 26th

Week 5 - Saturday - October 3rd

Week 6 - Saturday - October 10th

Week 6 - Sunday - October 11th *Bonus class for finishing and blocking your mittens

Wednesday October 14th Norwegian Mitten Day – Mitten parade!


ZOOM LIVE Check-ins, Questions, Support and Knit along (KAL)

September 9th, September 16th, September 23rd, September 30th, October 7th

I will organize Time Zone participation for Zoom Check-ins! There will be several live check-ins on these dates. Sign up participation will be required

Week 1 - September 5th

Historical introduction

Anatomy – What makes a mitten a Selbu mitten?

What do the colours represent?

Organizing your project bag – gathering your wool and your tools

Reading traditional mitten patterns – tips and tricks

Practice assignment for week 2!

Week 2 - September 12th

Casting on techniques, gauge, sizing and fit


Stranded knitting in the round – floats

Increasing and decreasing

Practice assignment for week 3!

Week 3 - September 19th

Traditional Selbu cuffs

A look at the Latvian braid in modern designs

Practice assignment for week 4!

Week 4 - September 26th

Mitten Body Part 1

Knitting the hand, palm, decorative sides or ladders, and the thumb gusset

Maintaining your tension on the edges of the mitten.

Placing the thumb mittens on hold verses an after thought thumb

Practice assignment for week 5!

Week 5 - October 3rd

Mitten Body Part 2

Maintaining your gauge throughout the body

Decreasing for the tip of the mitten

Practice assignment for week 6!

Week 6 Day 1 - October 10th

Knitting the thumb

Picking up stitches in pattern (or after thought thumb)

Maintaining a smooth transition between the thumb and the palm design.

Thumb message “Hilsen”

Decreasing for the tip of the thumb

Practice assignment for Day 2 - ready for finishing!

Week 6 Day 2 - October 11th

Finishing and Blocking your mittens

Vottedagen/Norwegian Mitten Day – October 14th

We will have an Instagram Online Mitten Parade Celebration + grand prize participation drawings for a beautiful Selbuvotter mitten kit!

Which will include: Traditional Norwegian wool, one handmade project bag, a set of handmade Selbu knitting accessories, one set of Norwegian Primstav Calendar Brooches which mark the traditional Mitten Day here in Norway and one pair of handmade Selbu Mitten Blockers.


Please share any thoughts, questions or comments below.

Or you can email me directly at

Warmest regards from the farm!

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Oct 11, 2020

summer0707 - The course is open for registration through the autumn. I am facilitating it now. You join and participate at your leisure. Welcome!


Oct 11, 2020

Is this course going to repeat? My son visited Norway last year and brought home the yarn for me to make the mittens Just discovered your course and sorry I missed it.


Sep 12, 2020

Hi Patricia,

I am loving the videos so far! I just had a question about the membership, will we have access to the videos forever? Or is there a date where our access will expire? I am just not sure I will be able to fully keep up.

Thank you in advance! Katie


Sep 11, 2020

I am planning on making the mitten from the book Mittens from around Norway pg 179 - Mittens from Kautokeino. I am starting a little late - 9/11/2020


Aug 30, 2020

Hi Patricia and All ... I’m Shannon in Northern Virginia and super excited to take this class! 😊

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