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Traditional Norwegian Plukkebånd - Updates + An Introductory Material Guide + Check list to begin!

Writer's picture: KnitographyKnitography

Greetings from the farm,

For those of you that are interested in my beginner/entry level traditional band weaving offering this summer OR if you are interested in continuing your journey, exploring the back strap or rigid heddle loom weaving approach - I have put together a draft introductory materials guide to use as a simple check list for you to consider.

It includes information around a collabortion I have organized to support you with acquiring a

basic, affordable weaving kit.

You can download that pdf below. I will update this information as we progress along, as needed.

But first! Isn't this the sweetest little loom (pictured above)?

This is a little band weaving loom in the archive of my local folk museum.

I just fell in love with it!

It is so charming!

I had the privilege of using the room where it sits to hold my living history presentation.

Updates for Band Weaving Courses:

  • If you are interested in the summer beginner "plukkebånd" weaving course, do make sure you have read the information found HERE and that you have filled out the interest inventory.

  • If you are progressing to the intermediate course, make sure you have purchased your kit! The opportunity for the discounted price of this kit will last only through this week!

Addtional wonders? Leave those within the comments below and I will support to clarify as soon as possible.

Enjoy this day!

Warmest regards from the farm,

Patricia x


May 24, 2022

So cute! How old is she in this photo?


May 23, 2022

Oh so cute!


Patricia, I’m so excited this weaving adventure. I’ll be in Norway during part of the course which will be extra special.


May 23, 2022

I'm just so excited about starting (or rather, restarting) my band weaving adventure this summer.

May 23, 2022
Replying to

Yes ... it's me. I'm really excited about band weaving this summer. So many of the band weavers in your first course have produced such beautiful bands. Very inspiring for all of us beginners.

Lambing isn't finished quite yet ... there are a few left to lamb.

I'm hand rearing one little girl. Those middle of the night bottles are killing me. But she's doing well and I'm starting to skip the middle of the night feed !

This is Paisley, the little one keeping me up at night!

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