Hello everyone!
Lesson 6 - Part 2 is ready for you within our Virtual Classroom at your convenience.
Within this lesson, I show you the beautiful result of hand sewing to secure the steek and
I demonstrate cutting the steek.
I highly recommend using the basting stitch up the center of the stitch you are cutting,
if you are inexperienced with steeking.
I demonstrate both ways...with and without the basting stitch.
If you have any questions, reflections or addtional thoughts after the lesson, please do leave a comment below.
Warmest regards from the farm,
Patricia x
I cannot come to the Wednesday clinic but I should be there Sunday. I would love to hear your thoughts on it. I'm a firm knitter, so I bind off firmly as well. I'm always looking for new ideas about flexible bind-offs.
Hello Patricia, why is it, that you have this first stitch which is not secured only on one side in the Gammel Sandvik Kofte?
(You said the first stitch is not secured, stitches two and three are, you cut on the fourth and stitches 5 and 6 are secured - so there is no unsecured stitch on the other side.)
Patricia, I was wondering if you had any guidance for us your preferred bind off. There are so many different ways to approach it. I believe you talked about binding off in pattern, but if you have a mini lesson on it or something, I would love that.