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Knitography Farm - Updates for the week - Ingrid + Klara Check in!

Greetings from the farm,

Emma Grace sent me this beautiful photo to tell me she landed in South Korea - and many other beautiful photos since then.

All is well and I am settling back into my everyday, with my little flock and the arrival of autumn here on the farm.

I finished reading The Pocket book and I am slowly finishing up the hand sewing on my pocket project. I am so pleased with the result!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and the rich history, which was easily connected to my traditional studies and Norway.

I did feel that the authors should have connected the ending to the modern day pocket and pocket challenges.

I think this would have made the book and its history even more relevant for the reader and the disparities of women and pockets throughout time.

I have read so many wonderful books this summer and have so many to share!

But today I long to share a book that has just stayed with me.

I cannot stop thinking about it and the many layers of meaning woven within it.

Honestly, I have yet to find a way to articulate its beauty and how much I enjoyed reading it.

And, I love the colourful cover!

I specifically recommend reading this book, while listening to the audiobook.

I read the book first, then went back and read it again with the audiobook.

That is just how much I loved this book and what a difference!

Reading along with the audiobook deepens the experience and beauty of this story. The rhythm of the language (which is in dialect), the setting of Nigeria and each character.

Five bright stars!

Last week I read Dear America and a novel called Groundskeeping and Yours Cheerfully - the sequel to Dear Mrs. Bird - which I recommended some time ago.

I really enjoyed reading each of these books and every American should read the enlightning perspective within Dear America. It was a heartbreaking memior.

Saturdays in September!

I will be teaching mixed media sessions on Saturdays during September - locally and, if there is enough interest, remotely.

The remote sessions will be sustainable explorations of colour and creativity, focused on my knitting bag book, reflective weaving journals and how I incorporate, research, collect and preserve traditional, heirloom handwork from the Selbu region into each of my pieces.

These sessions will offer you a wonderful creative way to plan and/or modify your knitted pieces, play with colour combinations, insert your knitted swatches and all records and notes along the way for each traditional garment.

I will show you how you can incorporate your traditional woven bands as part of a project piece - just to name a few of the ideas and explorations that I have to share with you.

During our time together, we will create a variety of useful pieces in different shapes and sizes that can be used in many different, useful and satisfying ways.

These projects would also be especially beautiful given as gifts or tucked in with a handmade gift.

Please do contact me with interest and I will share the list of supplies that you need to begin to collect from around your home!

These projects incorporate only sustainable, repurposed and free materials - in addition to a few art materials you probably have on hand!

I will be teaching these sessions over four Saturdays - September 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th at 18:00 (6 PM) CET - World Clock - Oslo, Norway. Each session will be approximately an hour and a half. The registration fee is $36 US dollars - including the paypal fees for all four sessions.

I am currently finishing up a beautiful, traditional piece that I have been working on for a couple of months now. I will have a new video to share the result very soon.

Ingrid + Klara genser

On Wednesday evening, August 24th - I will be checking in and meeting together with everyone that has chosen to knit the Ingrid genser or Klara genser.

These pieces, but especially the Ingrid genser, will be a focus during the short season of autumn.

Do not worry if you do not have the opportunity to join.

We will meet again and I will keep everyone updated.

If you do have the possibility, you can register your participation HERE

*Make sure you have your wool kit order number to hand as your registration ticket into these mini-course sessions.

Wonders, reflections or clarifications? Please leave those below and I will get back to you!

I wish you a beautiful, creative new week.

Warmest regards from the farm,

Patricia x

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15 Komentar

Janette Pivitt
28 Agu 2022

Hi Patricia,

what a beautiful bird! im definitely interested in the Saturday in September sessions!




24 Agu 2022

Those first pictures are such a gift. Son #3 of 4 is in Japan, so I fully understand. We watched his plane land in Narita in February on the airport webcam and were elated when we got the first picture of Mount Fuji from him as he rode the shuttle bus to the Air Force Base. I'm also a lover of book binding and mixed media. Currently working on a daily prompt in a fun little book. Flipping through all the bright colors definitely provides a pick me up. I would love to do the Saturdays with you, but my husband works away from home and will be home the 1st two Saturdays of Sep to celebrate our 30th. I …


Patricia King
Patricia King
24 Agu 2022

Your daughter seems to have your eye for the power and beauty of nature.

I would join in the mixed media sessions.

Thanks for all you do!


Phyllis Epstein
Phyllis Epstein
23 Agu 2022

What a beautiful photograph! Thank you for these book recommendations. I've recently finished two books by Margaret Renkl: Late Migrations and Graceland, at last. Both insightful, poetic and filled with observations of nature all around. I appreciate your suggested book offerings. Would love to join the book making course but not sure I can make all sessions. 3 out of 4? Also thank you for the recent bottom up sleeves checklist!


Shari Besser
Shari Besser
23 Agu 2022

23 Agu 2022
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