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February - EPIC MAL 2023 + Merkelapp Mini Course Follow up + A Sharing!

Writer's picture: KnitographyKnitography

Greetings from the farm,

The arrival of February means a new colour sequence within our EPIC Year Long Ullpledd MAL 2023!

I enjoyed knitting the first colour stripe over coffee this morning.

And, as promised, my Merkelapp Mini Course finish!!!

I shared my finish on Instagram stories today, but I know that not everyone interacts with Instagram and that will soon disappear.

Loving small, detailed work as I do, I enjoyed creating my ullpledd merkelapp.

AND! it was such fun hand sewing it onto my ullpledd!

It has been nice to take a little bit of time each day for hand embroidery/ finish my knitting bag book journal covers or to complete my module "oppgave" - assignments.

I know it sounds strange, but it is nice to have the merkelapp there on the ullpledd while I knit along. :)

Adding in my first colour sequence for February, the return of the sun over the mountain, and my little hand made merkelapp....well, it feels inspired!

If you have joined into the EPIC MAL, I hope that you are also on track with your aims for February!

I started crocheting my lapper for my lappeteppe this month, too!

I will share those another time.

We will meet again on February 26th to share, to inspire and to celebrate - ready for March!

In the meantime, I am working on another MAL demo/sharing for this month, which I hope will be inspiring and interesting. I will post that for you soon!

A sharing....

During Sunday's community check in session, I falied to share an article and a book that I am currently reading and so enjoying - which might be of interest.

Both are recently published and written by Peggy Orenstein

The Revolutionary Power of a Skein of Yarn found HERE within the New York Times

and check out her book - "Unraveling: What I Learned About Life While Shearing Sheep, Dyeing Wool and Making the World’s Ugliest Sweater.”

In other news, it is very cold here on the farm this week, and I am experimenting with

plant base-ify-ing of some new winter soups!

I think I have a hearty, minestrone - with mushrooms, root vegetables and fresh kale that is a keeper! So delicious!

I have also mastered the ingredients for the perfect plant based pizza that is!

This weekend the Norwegian Eurovision finals are to be held within Trondheim (my city), and a short film, about our trikk (tram system), which was filmed in Trondheim has been nominated for an Oscar! A tram, transportation system which started in 1901.

I have taken that very tram a million times - and often with first graders on an outing.

Our beautiful little city - wow! surreal and exciting!

I hope you are staying warm and cozy, having a lovely creative week!

Warmest regards from the farm,

Patricia x


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