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Farm Vlog - Preparing a raw wool fleece for spinning and natural dyeing

Hello everyone!

Especially for my summer traditional knitting course participants, but for anyone that might be curious or interested in spinning and natural dyeing, I have prepared a very informal Farm Vlog conversation around the process of preparing a raw wool fleece for spinning and natural dyeing.

This is Part 1. Once the prepared fleece is completely dry, I will move on to share the next steps.

This Vlog is uploaded privately to my Knitography Farm YouTube Channel and can only be accessed via the link below.

Enjoy with interest!

If you are inspired to process your own raw fleece, I would so enjoy hearing more about it!

If you have questions, wonders, thoughts or reflections do leave those within the comments below. I will gladly support you.

I share this knowledge freely.

If you wish to support my work on the farm and my continued sharing, please do read about me and work via the About tab at the top of the website and also here at this link.

Your donations are accepted with much gratitude.

Warmest regards from the farm,

Patricia x

434 views6 comments

6 comentarios

Loved watching your process. So inspiring,

and you make it so simple and natural.

Thank you for making the video and thinking of us. I’m smiling in anticipation of the next steps. Kristine

Me gusta

Tracy Arney
24 jun 2021

I loved hearing and seeing your process! I have washed two fleeces before (one a long time ago before I knew what I was doing at all and again just recently a romney fleece I purchased from a local farmer) and one more shetland in my basement to get to. I use a similar process but with laundry bags instead of your little baskets. You are inspiring me to get to that last one!

Me gusta

24 jun 2021

so interesting/so many details! Can't wait for the next videos!

Me gusta

Madame Purl
Madame Purl
23 jun 2021

Hello! It's saying Video Unavailable. This video is private. I'm logged into both the website and youtube. I'm subscribed to your channel.

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Madame Purl
Madame Purl
23 jun 2021
Contestando a

Yes! It’s fixed. Thank you.

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